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Natasha slowly and sensually gives a nuru massage to both Apollo and Joshua, alternating between them as she rubs her naked, glistening body along theirs. They all undress for the massage, then Joshua and Apollo climb onto the mattresses. Natasha leads Joshua and Apollo into a private massage room that has two nuru mattresses side-by-side. Natasha is amused at the odd request but decides to go along with it.A few minutes later. They then ask if they can 'go halfsies' on a single massage with Natasha massaging BOTH of them at the same time. Although Natasha is a little taken aback, she soon goes over the services she provides.Apollo and Joshua then become a bit sheepish as they realize that getting a massage is more expensive than they thought it'd be. She smiles when she sees them since they are friends of her boy, though is then surprised when they admit to wanting to try some of her services. Description: Natasha Nice, a masseuse, is at work when Apollo Banks and Joshua Lewis step in.

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